Many of these sorting algorithm are written in C , C++ and Java.
Same programming technique is used to develop algorithm using Excel VBA.
How to start ?
1. Copy the below code
2. Open the workbook in which you want to add the code
3. Hold the Alt key, and press the F11 key, to open the Visual Basic Editor
4. Choose Insert | Module
5. Where the cursor is flashing, choose Edit | Paste
How to run the code?
1. On the Excel Ribbon, click the View tab
2. At the far right, click Macros
3. Select a macro in the list, and click the Run button
Same programming technique is used to develop algorithm using Excel VBA.
How to start ?
1. Copy the below code
2. Open the workbook in which you want to add the code
3. Hold the Alt key, and press the F11 key, to open the Visual Basic Editor
4. Choose Insert | Module
5. Where the cursor is flashing, choose Edit | Paste
How to run the code?
1. On the Excel Ribbon, click the View tab
2. At the far right, click Macros
3. Select a macro in the list, and click the Run button
Sub Insertion_Sort()
Dim Num As Integer
Dim C As Integer
Dim D As Integer
Dim Temp As Integer
Dim Arr(1000) As Integer
Num = InputBox("Enter the number of elements")
For C = 0 To Num - 1
Arr(C) = InputBox("Enter the number ")
Next C
For C = 1 To Num - 1
D = C
Do While D > 0 And (Arr(D) < Arr(D - 1))
Temp = Arr(D)
Arr(D) = Arr(D - 1)
Arr(D - 1) = Temp
D = D - 1
If D = 0 Then Exit Do
Next C
For C = 0 To Num - 1
Range("A" & C + 1).Value = Arr(C)
Next C
End Sub
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